Foraging and nature walk

Foraging and Nature walk

It’s hard to beat a walk through the British countryside. Taking in the scenery of pastoral landscapes, woodlands, meadows and wild areas. listening to bird song, feeling the sun on your face. But have you ever wanted to find out more about your surroundings? Learn the names and stories of the plants, animals and fungi that you encounter, deepen your understanding of local ecology, wildlife and land management practices and see how woodland, hedgerow and other wild spaces can used as a place to source delicious food, healing remedies, craft materials and fire lighting aids.

On this lovely half day workshop, join Joe on a morning ramble through forest, pastures and along hedgerow in a beautiful area of countryside near the banks of the river Avon. We will explore our environment from various angles including foraging for wild food, medicine, craft and fire lighting materials as well as discussing natural history, conservation and possibly spotting and tracking some wildlife.

We will finish up at base camp with a delicious lunch, utilising some of the foraged edibles that we harvest along the way.

This is a great day out for anyone interested in furthering their knowledge or wild food, bushcraft, nature and local ecology. It is also a great course to repeat at different times of the year, to see the landscape in a different phase and learn about a different set of wild edibles!

Group size will be between 4-8 participants.

Cost £60 pp

Dates in the Diary for 2025

10th May09:45 – 13:45
14th September09:45 – 13:45

A marbled white butterfly in a wildflower meadow